“…there are so many factors that contribute to the lease rate."

Lease extension negotiations are much more complex than standard cell site lease negotiations.

What makes these negotiations much more difficult is that there are so many factors that contribute to how much more (or less) of a lease rate can be negotiated.

With older leases, the lease may have been undervalued for years. Or, on the flip side, it may have under-performed, returning lower than expected revenues.

AirWave Strategies Inc. has been negotiating telecom leases for over 20 years. We know the motivations of the site acquisition agents. We know how to expedite the process. We don't waste time trying to chase unreasonable lease clauses, because we know what the carrier has agreed to in the past. We know the fair market value of your property. We know the markets, and the carrier’s budget in each market.

What we will do for you:

Review the Current Lease: In many cases, the tower company wants to amend the current agreement. We will review your current lease and the amendment to make sure your interests are safeguarded.

Audit the Cell Site: We will analyze the current market to determine how "valuable" and "unique" your property is, and determine the feasibility and cost associated with relocating the site vs keeping it on your property. We'll look at zoning regulations, tenants, usage, and expected replacement costs vs. profit to the cell tower owner.

Provide Fair Market Valuation: We will also assess the probability of future expansions to your lease and the likelihood that the lease will be extended at the end of its term. We will determine what the fair market value of your lease is. We will then recommend rent, escalation and revenue sharing (if applicable) amounts, taking into consideration net present value and future trends.

Assist with Negotiations: We will handle the negotiation on your behalf or provide you with the information you need to handle it yourself.